Zehra Öney Founder & CEO of 360+ Media Interactive Technologies, Founding President of Teknolojide Kadın Derneği

 During my 29 years of professional, intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial career, I have directed 360-degree technology backed innovative digital and mobile marketing and advertising campaigns in multiple platforms for numerous large and multinational companies in Turkey.

In 360 Media Interactive Digital and Mobile Marketing, Advertising and Technology Company (“360 Media”), which I founded in early 2011, we follow closely the latest trends and new technologies in digital and mobile technologies and communications. We then convert our know-how and experience into generating innovative and creative solutions for brands to accommodate their 360-degree marketing and advertising needs.

As the Founding President, I founded the Women in Technology Association (Wtech) in January 2019 with more than 80 founding members, following a 1.5-year preparation period. We reached more than 150 members in a short period of time. Wtech which has C-level executives of Turkey's leading companies as founding member established with the aim of increasing the number of women in the technology sector and promoting social development by enabling women to discover their own potential and equal opportunity in the world of science and technology. By providing people with the expertise skills required by the evolving digital world; We aim to provide diversity in technology and to play an active role in women's employment. As of our establishment; compared to many associations at the start-up level; We started to put our signature under successful projects with the principle of fast, focused and disciplined work. We aim to create the benefit that will contribute to Turkey's technological power that can be at the forefront of global competition.

I have worked closely with the Blippar management, a UK based global augmented reality technology platform, to initiate and expand this new advertising medium in Turkey. By utilizing the Blippar platform,as their CEO in Turkey between 2014 and 2017, and our continued services provided under 360 Media since 2011.
- Chair Emeritus and a Board Member of MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) Turkey.
- Board Member of the MBA Program of the Bahcesehir University assisting the curriculum continuously to adopt to the rapid development of new technologies.
- I recently founded the Women in Technology Assocation in Turkey which will soon turn into a business association to create awareness of such technologies within the woman business leaders in Turkey.

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